

Samoa Company Registration Fees and Registration Procedures (Custom Made Company)

1. Samoa Company Registration Fee Our services for handling the registration of a new Samoa international company together with the first-year maintenance fee are USD1,050 excluding delivery fee. In particular, the fee covers: (1) first year license fee (2) first year registered agent fee and year registered office fee (3) first year nominee company secretary (4) one complete company kit (5) our incorporation service charges An extra USD150 will be charged for addition of Chinese company name. 2. Documents to be provided by client for incorporation (1) Photocopy of passport of each of the shareholder and director (2) Residential address with proof, such as utility bills, telephone bills (3) Proposed name of the company (4) A brief description of the principal business activities of the proposed Samoa company (5) Amount of share capital (unless otherwise advised, all company will be incorporated with a standard share capital of USD1,000,000) and percentage […]

Samoa Company Registration Package #SAMIBC03

1. Scope of Services of Samoa Company Registration Package #SAMIBC03 (1) We will help to incorporate an international company in Samoa with a registered capital of USD1,000,000. In particular, our incorporation services include: (a) Preparation of incorporation documents and filing of the documents with the Registrar for incorporation; (b) Payment of official filing fee (c) Provision of registered office service (first year) (d) Provision of registered agent service (first year) (e) One company kit, including common seal and chop (2) Certificate of Incumbency Application for one Certificate of Incumbency immediately after the company is registered for the purpose of bank account opening. (3) Bank Account Opening Providing assistance to open corporate bank account with a leading international bank in Hong Kong, including preparation of certified incorporation documents as required by the bank, visiting the bank with client, forwarding Internet banking password and security device to client. Please note the bank […]

Restoration to the Companies Register in the BVI (Reinstatement of BVI Company)

Many people think that once the company has been dissolved, wound up or struck off, you cannot restore it to the register. This is a common misconception because you can. If your company in the BVI has been struck off or dissolved, we can assist you having it restored to the register at Companies Register. Our experienced staff will work to restore your dissolved or struck off company quickly and sympathetically with minimum hassle, ever mindful of the urgency and distress that is often involved.   To restore or reinstate a struck off or dissolved company and continue trading you need to bring all of the company’s affairs up to date. It is sometimes possible to make an application to release frozen cash or assets and immediately strike the company off again, which is less onerous and often more economically viable, as it avoids a full company restoration.   As […]

Registered Agent and Registered Address of an Offshore Company

All offshore jurisdictions require that their international business companies (non-resident companies, offshore companies, Business Companies, etc.) have an address within the country. This is called the Registered Address. Formally it can sometimes be a PO Box, but usually it will be a full street address – for reasons, explained below.   Most offshore jurisdictions also require that a company has a Registered Agent within the country. Usually the Registered Agent is located in the Registered Address of the company and is licensed to provide company formation, administration and management services in a professional manner. So, the Registered Agent would usually be a fully staffed, equipped, qualified and regulated firm, which provides those services to a considerable amount of clients and their offshore companies.   The name and address of the Registered Agent of every offshore company is filed with the Registrar of Companies. Therefore, these particulars are publicly accessible to […]

Panama Private Foundation Part 11 – Panama Private Interest Foundation Law

PANAMA LAW No. 25 June 12, 1995 “Whereby Private Foundations are regulated” THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DECREES: Article 1. One or more natural or juridical persons by themselves or through third parties, may create a private foundation in accordance with the provisions set forth in this law. For such purposes, the endowment of a patrimony exclusively dedicated to the objectives or purposes expressly stipulated in the foundation charter is required. The initial patrimony may be increased by the creator of the foundation, hereinafter called the founder, or by any other person. Article 2. Private foundations shall be governed by the foundation charter and its regulations, as well as by the provisions of this law and other legal or regulatory provisions that may be applicable. The provisions of Title II of Book I of the Civil Code shall not apply to these foundations. Article 3. Private foundations shall not be for profit. […]

Panama Private Foundation Part 10 – Panama Private Interest Foundation Annual Renewal Notice

1. Notice of Annual Fees Kaizen Corporate Services Limited Rooms 2101-05, Futura Plaza, 111 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong Dear Sir or Madam: We hope this email finds you well. We wish to communicate to all our clients about the annual renewal fees of Panamanian entities (corporations & foundations). The information pertaining to annual resident agent fees and the government corporate franchise tax was sent to you in the package of corporate documents you originally received when you purchased the entity(s). The purpose of this notice is to remind you of this topic. After reading this notice, you will need to contact us regarding your entity(s) balance to bring them to good standing with our law firm and with the government of Panama. For this information, please contact us by email at:   2. Panama Private Foundation Annual Renewal Fees The Annual Renewal Fees are composed of […]

Panama Private Foundation Part 9 – Panama Private Foundation Maintenance and Compliance Obligations

Annual Maintenance Costs The annual maintenance costs for Corporations and/or Foundations are the following: Description Paid to Frequency Required Amount Corporate Franchise Tax Government Annually Mandatory 300 Tax Filing Fee Accountant Annually Mandatory N/A Registered Agent/ Office Fee Law Firm Annually Mandatory 500 Nominee Foundation Council/ Directors Fee Law Firm Annually Optional 600 Mail Drop Services Fee Law Firm Annually Optional   Below you will find a detailed description of each of the above-mentioned costs.   Corporate Franchise Taxes  To keep a corporation or foundation in good standing with the Panamanian Government, each entity must pay a flat annual corporate franchise tax (“tasa unica”) of USD300 to the Panamanian Government (Public Registry).   Please note that if the annual corporate franchise taxes are not paid, the Public Registry will not permit any changes to the entity at the Public Registry, and will not allow you to obtain any Certificates of […]

Panama Private Foundation Part 8 – Panama Private Interest Foundation Registration Procedures

1. Procedures for Establishing a Panama Private Foundation If you have read this far, it means that you are now convinced that a Panama Foundation is for you, and you are ready to incorporate. Now it is just a matter of clicking on “Order Now” and completing an online order form. Read the simple procedures below to establish a Panama Foundation. (1) Personal Information: Download and complete our registration order form with your personal contact details. (2) Indicate what type of entity(s) you want: Indicate whether you want a new Panama Foundation or a Panama shelf Foundation. If you choose to purchase a shelf Foundation, then simply indicate that you want a shelf Foundation, and you can skip the name section of the online application. Also, indicate how many Foundations you want of each type. (3) Selecting the Name(s): On the online application, you should indicate three name choices for […]

Panama Private Foundation Part 7 – Advantage of the Panama Private Interests Foundations

Panama Private Interest Foundation The Private Interest Foundation is a juridical person, which is equiped by its Founder with determinated assets which constitute a separate patrimony of the Foundation, after their transference. These properties are managed by a Foundation Council, which is named by the Founder with the purpose to accomplish the objectives of the Foundation.   A Private Interest Foundation, as juridical person with its own patrimony, has the capacity to execute rights and acquire obligations. The Private Interest Foundation do not have shareholders or members. It is created by a declaration of the Founder and generally has as purpose the preservations of an established patrimony for benefit of the Founder or third determinated persons.   The Private Interest Foundations are instruments for the planning of family successions, may act as shareholders of assets and help to preserve the patrimony for beneficiaries generations.   Panama has a long reputation […]

Panama Private Foundation Part 6 – Panama Private Interest Foundations Tax Information

1. Tax Free Foundations Panama is a 100% “tax haven”. Panama Foundations offer the following tax advantages: – No tax reporting requirements. – No income tax. – No capital gains tax. – No interest income tax. – No sales tax. – No tax to beneficiaries. – No beneficiary transfer tax. – No capital tax. – No property tax (for non-Panamanian property). – No estate tax. – No gift tax. – No inheritance tax. – No stamp tax. – No succession tax. – No inventory tax 2. Flat Annual Corporate Franchise Tax The only tax paid by Panama Corporations (or Foundations) is the flat annual corporate franchise tax of USD300. According to the Law, the corporate franchise tax payment deadlines are as follows; Incorporation Date ………………Tax Payment Deadline From 1 of January to 30 of June 30: July 15 From 1 of July to 31 of December 31: January 15 3. […]