Section 9(1)(a) of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (IRO) defines taxable emoluments to include: salary, wages, leave pay, fee, commission, bonus, gratuity, perquisite or allowance whether they are derived from employer. Special provisions are laid down in the IRO to tax special perks such as subsidized accommodation, retirement benefits, share options, holiday benefits and children’s education subsidies. Under Section 9, all kinds of cash allowances arising from an employment are wholly taxable. They include housing allowance, living-cost allowance, transportation allowance, baggage allowances, medical allowance, clothing allowances, tips…etc. So, to make the benefits non-taxable, the employer should be made solely liable to pay the benefits — in that case, these benefits will be inconvertible into cash or have no cash value. Caution: Such arrangement does not work for subsidized accommodation, retirement benefits, share options, holiday benefits and children’s education subsidies because they are subject to special provisions of the IRO. Only emoluments […]