Individual Online Sellers Should Apply for Taxation Registration The threshold of individual online sellers who run online businesses for profit-making purpose, was based on the total “average” sales in the last six months. However, online shop transactions have become more frequent in recent years, the Taiwan Ministry of Finance issued an explanatory order at the end of January 2020, stating that the business tax threshold of online seller has been changed and based n the total sales of “each month”, i.e. sales of goods exceed NTD 80,000 or sales of labour services exceed NTD 40,000. Sellers should apply for taxation registration for their business, which is stricter than before. According to the regulation (Order No. 10904512340) issued by The Taiwan Ministry of Finance on 31 January,2020, in considering with the fairness and online transaction practices, individuals who sell goods or labour through online for profit-making purpose, should apply […]