Shanghai will Further Innovation and Open Wider and Expand Foreign Investment

Shanghai will Further Innovation and Open Wider and Expand Foreign Investment


With the closing of the third session of the 13th National People’s Congress. The two sessions in this special period attracted the attention of the whole world. At the meeting, “stabilizing foreign investment” became a hot topic. Many representatives and members of the committee made suggestions to reduce the negative list and further the market access eased. Shanghai has been the first choice for foreign capital to enter the Chinese market for a long period. Under the background of the current global war, “epidemic”, the global economy is full of various uncertainties, and international capital is looking for a safer “haven”. This year’s government work report pointed out that in the face of changes in the external environment, we should unswervingly expand opening, stabilize the industrial chain supply chain, and promote reform and development through opening up. Shanghai will also continue to make efforts to take the following measures to encourage foreign investors to invest and develop in Shanghai, to form an all-round and multi-level opening pattern.


  1. Create a high-quality business environment

In April this year, Shanghai launched 24 measures to stabilize foreign investment, including establishing incentive mechanism for attracting investment, accelerating the opening up of financial industry, new energy vehicles and other fields, increasing the punishment for violations of intellectual property rights and intellectual property crimes, and supporting foreign-funded enterprises to participate in standard setting and government procurement in accordance with the law The combination of these fists has given foreign capital “acceleration” in the development of Shanghai. With the further deepening of the “deregulation service” reform, Shanghai will create a legal business environment in line with the international standards. With the continuous implementation of the regulations for the implementation of the foreign investment law, the legitimate rights and interests of foreign-funded enterprises will be better protected. Li Guohua, member of the CPPCC National Committee, vice chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the people’s Republic of China and vice president of Pudong New Area, believes that to actively support enterprises to better utilize international and domestic markets and resources, and take the lead in strengthening the global resource allocation function, Shanghai Free Trade Zone can take the lead in exploring and cultivating new trade functions such as entrepot trade, offshore trade, cultural trade and composite headquarters economic functions We will further remove bottlenecks in foreign exchange management and cross-border fund use, and support multinational companies to coordinate their onshore and offshore businesses and efficiently allocate global factor resources.


  1. Reform and innovation, speed up the construction of five centers

In this year’s report on the work of the government, the latest statement on the construction of the “five centers” is quite bright. By 2020, Shanghai will have basically completed the construction of the “five centers” for international economy, finance, trade, shipping and technological innovation, with relevant objectives and tasks presented one by one. In 2020, Shanghai will continue to enhance the influence of “four brands” around strengthening the functions of global resource allocation and scientific and technological innovation strategy; Shanghai will accelerate the construction of a global RMB product innovation, trading, pricing and clearing center, gather all kinds of important financial institutions, accelerate the construction of a global asset management center, vigorously develop financial science and technology, and form an internationally competitive and international A multi-level financial market system with high degree. We will improve the local financial regulatory system, basically form a financial ecological environment in line with the international advanced level, and basically build an


international financial center in line with China’s economic strength and the international status of RMB. Shanghai will optimize the structure of trade in goods and services, expand entrepot trade, offshore trade and digital trade, and accelerate the development of trade with both import and export and domestic and foreign trade Show the new pattern. Gather high-energy and radiation trade-oriented headquarters and functional platforms, build an international consumer city and international exhibition capital, and accelerate the formation of a modern market system of free flow and equal exchange of goods and elements. We will deepen the reform of the trade system and basically build an international trade center that plays a pivotal role in the global trade and investment network. Shanghai will speed up the construction of a smart and green port, focus on the development of sea rail intermodal transport, water to water transfer, and accelerate the construction of inland waterways such as the special line for the entrance of Waigaoqiao railway and Dalu line, and basically form a modern shipping collection and distribution system. Promote the gathering of shipping elements and functional institutions, promote the listing of shipping price index futures, and basically form a modern shipping service system. Accelerate the development of the whole industry chain of cruise economy, build an international first-class cruise home port, and basically build an international shipping center with global shipping resource allocation capacity. Shanghai will speed up the establishment of the National Laboratory, comprehensively launch the second round of 82 projects of Zhangjiang Science City, and accelerate the formation of the basic framework of Zhangjiang comprehensive national science center. Promote the deep integration of innovation chain and industrial chain, fully implement the “Shanghai plan” for integrated circuit, artificial intelligence and biomedicine, gather high-level R & D institutions, and accelerate the formation of a number of functional R & D transformation platforms focusing on key core technologies and with international advanced level. We will promote the construction of Zhangjiang national independent innovation demonstration zone and enhance the level of innovation and development in Zizhu, Yangpu, Caohejing, Jiading, Lingang, Songjiang G60 science and technology innovation corridor and other regions. Promote the construction of maker space. To deepen the experiment of comprehensive innovation reform and improve the intellectual property protection system, Shanghai will form a basic framework of science and technology innovation center with global influence.


  1. Expand the opening and run the China International Import Expo to success

Under the special world economic situation, the Expo has become a hot spot in the global economy, and even a big engine in the regional economic level. From the perspective of internal and external economic balance, technology driven growth, service economy and consumption upgrading, new commerce and new business development, import growth can be regarded as a new “white horse” of China’s economy. With regard to the expansion of opening up, the report on the work of the government also suggested that we should well prepare for the third China International Expo, actively expand imports, and develop a higher level of large market facing the world. In order to ensure that the Expo is “better and better”, deputies to the National People’s Congress have launched hot discussions from the perspectives of “continuously and effectively amplifying the effect of the Expo” and “further exploring system innovation”.



