Key Corporate Features of Seychelles Special License Company (CSL)

Type of entity: CSL
Type of law: Hybrid
Shelf company availability: No
Our time to establish a new company: 2 weeks
Minimum government fees (excluding taxation): US$1,000
Corporate taxation: 1.5% on Worldwide Income
Double taxation treaty access: Yes
Share capital or equivalent
Standard currency: US$
Permitted currencies: Any except Rs
Minimum paid up: US$1 (At least 10% of authorized share capital must be issued and paid up)
Usual authorized: US$5,000
Directors or Managers
Minimum number: Two
Local required: No (but necessary for DTA reliance cases)
Publicly accessible records: Yes
Location of meetings: Anywhere
Members (Shareholders)
Minimum number: Two
Publicly accessible records: No
Location of meetings: Anywhere
Company Secretary
Required: Yes
Local or qualified: Local
Requirement to prepare: Yes
Audit requirements: Yes
Requirement to file accounts: Yes
Publicly accessible accounts: No
Requirement to file annual return: Yes, but not public
Change in domicile permitted: Permissible