China will Further Relax Market Access in Hainan

 China will Further Relax Market Access in Hainan

The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce of the PRC jointly released 22 special measures to further relax market access in Hainan Free Trade Port on 7 April 2021. The special measures mainly cover the following five sectors:


  1.  Medical Sector

(1)  Establish an electronic prescription center in Hainan, prescription drugs can be sold over the internet via the center;

(2)  Encourage the first set of high-end medical equipment to be produced in Hainan;

(3)  Increase support for market access of drugs, qualified innovative drugs can be used directly once approved;

(4)  Fully relax access restrictions on Contract Research Organization (CRO);

(5)  Support the development of high-end medical beauty industry in Hainan;

(6)  Optimize the market access and development environment of transplantation science in all fields;

(7)  Establish a mixed ownership reform fund for the development of medical and health industry in Hainan.


  1. Financial Sector


(1)  Encourage the development of medical health, long-term care and other commercial insurance, support the development of various forms of pension finance;

(2) Encourage all kinds of financial institutions to provide financial support for the construction of the whole agricultural industry chain, encourage insurance institutions to provide agricultural insurance services.


  1. Cultural Sector


(1)  Establish an international cultural relics and artworks trading center in Hainan;

(2)  Encourage the development of performance and cultural industries;

(3)  Encourage the development of online game industry;

(4)  Relax access to the cultural relics industry.


  1. Education Sector


(1)  Encourage universities to transform scientific research achievements in Hainan;

(2)  Support domestic well-known universities to establish international colleges in Hainan;

(3)  Encourage the development of vocational education.


  1. Other Sectors


(1)  Optimize the market access environment of commercial aerospace sector in Hainan;

(2)  Relax access to the civil aviation industry;

(3)  Relax market access to the sports industry;

(4) Relax market access to the seed industry and simplify examination and approval to promote the development of seed industry;

(5) Support Hainan to unify and layout the construction and operation of new energy vehicle charging and battery-exchange infrastructure;

(6) Optimize the access environment and pilot rural tourism and leisure agriculture innovation and development


In the next stage, Hainan will formulate specific implementation plans for the above 22 special measures and implement the reform measures in relevant sectors item by item.
